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2025 Executive Board

Our board is made up of followers of Christ within our Member Churches who play a key role in the spiritual development of our community. Their passion for the Kingdom continues through their support of the member ministries, churches, businesses and individuals to work together to demonstrate and proclaim the Gospel for all people by addressing real needs at the Christian Resource Center.

Christian Resource Center has a heart for everyone, especially those with specific needs, but low ability to pay. The highlight of the year is my participation in the Christmas Store where clients are able to purchase low cost toys for their children. Such great community support and many happy families.
~ Allison
The CRC is an amazing place to volunteer and truly see the needs of the community be met. Food, clothing, diapers, ESL, job trades and skills, assistance finding jobs, emotional support and so much more!
~ Melissa
I have volunteered with the Christian Resource Center and their ministries for many years. I love how the CRC helps other local nonprofit organizations in their mission by providing connections between the ministries to serve those in need. The CRC exemplifies the body of Christ serving those in need. Check out 12 local churches and numerous volunteers serving God together!
~ Linda
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